H101 Savannah River
Hog Hunts We have searched a long time for a quality Deer/Boar hunt down south and we have got a beauty. Located along the Savannah River in South Carolina this outfitter is able to offer a 2 bucks and 2 hogs per day bag limit during the fall season. Hogs may be hunted year round and can also be combo'd with Turkeys during March & April. Tactical hog hunts are also available using the outfitters night vision equipment. Hunts are priced by the day for the convenience of the customer. Hog hunt with lodging, meals and guide service $725 per day Tactical Hog (night hunt) $825, two night min. Hog/deer combo hunt with lodging, meals and guide service $725 per day Turkey/Hog combo hunt with meals, lodging and guide service $775 Alligator Hunts, 100% success, starting at $1250 One of our most unique and exhilarating packages. Pricing reflects approximate base package costs
and should not be assumed to be all-inclusive. EMAIL US : For specific pricing, availability and other details. Be sure to include your mailing address so we can mail you brochures & phone number if you would like us to call. WHY NOT GIVE US A CALL: 802-276-3317 |