M204, Seward Peninsula,
Western Alaska Bulls A 40-minute plane ride from Nome, your hunt will start upon arrival by chartered aircraft at our remote base camp. The majority of moose and caribou hunting is conducted from various spike camps throughout the Seward Peninsula. These spike camps increase the odds for success. All hunts are conducted in parties of two Argos. Therefore, all hunts are 2 hunters per guide with another driver or packer in the hunting party. Hunts may be combo'd with grizzly bear, wolverine and wolf. 7 Day AK/Yukon Moose Hunt: $22500* 5 Day Guided Caribou Hunt; $13500* *includes R/T Air Charter into camp Pricing reflects approximate base package costs and should not be assumed to be all-inclusive. EMAIL US : For specific pricing, availability and other details. Be sure to include your mailing address so we can mail you brochures & phone number if you would like us to call. WHY NOT GIVE US A CALL: 802-276-3317 |