E112 Gunnison National Forest, Colorado
Elk Adventure Hunt 5,000 acres of 100% private land in the rugged Gunnison National Forest (unit 521), where you'll pursue majestic elk/mule deer across varied terrain yielding high shot opportunity. Ground contains oak meadows, acorns, varying sized meadows and over two-dozen ponds/water sources, yielding daily wildlife traffic. Enjoy fully guided hunts with meals and lodging in a cozy bunk cabin on the ranch. With access to pristine wilderness and transportation by truck to premier locations, this adventure offers an ideal blend of comfort and rugged wilderness. Hubbard creek flows through the land...offering trout fishing in both creek and stocked pond. Ranch was a previous working livestock ranch so there are roads everywhere, allowing guides to access much of the ground via pickups and/or side-by-sides. Nearby Electric Mountain ranges to 9,800ft. Given ease/accessibility, this hunt can be adapted for individuals with disabilities. 5k acres of private ground is surrounded by public hunting ground and often times, public pressure drives elk onto this private ground. Super easy access to camp (you can drive all the way up to camp). Multiple cabins (located in the bottom of the valley at ~8,300ft.) with electricity (generator), running water, wood stove heat, WiFi, can house up to 6. Cook remains on site the entire time. Local processor will do expedited next-day (soft)/two-day (frozen) processing and local taxidermist available upon request. Standard package includes lodging, meals, 2x1 guide service, game prep, etc. 1x1 guide service available for additional fee of $2,500. 5 Day Rifle Elk Hunt $7000 5 Day Rifle Mule Deer Hunt $7000 ($2500 add-on trophy fee for 2nd animal if desire a combo Elk/Mule Deer hunt) Pricing reflects approximate base package costs and should not be assumed to be all-inclusive. EMAIL US : For specific pricing, availability and other details. Be sure to include your mailing address so we can mail you brochures & phone number if you would like us to call. WHY NOT GIVE US A CALL: 802-276-3317 |